Сегодня днём вышел новый патч для старкафт, порядковый номер 1.11 Для многих он стал неожиданностью. Изменений в балансе никаких не произошло, пофиксено пару багов. Список изменений: Цитата:
- Fixed a bug that hindered sound on NT machines. - Fixed a bug that enabled you to make a Command Center slide into a location by building a Comstat Station then canceling it due to lack of resources. - Fixed a bug related to a Drone flying when surrounded by other units. - Fixed a bug that would give you an assertion when you tell a drone to burrow as it is about to morph into a building. - Fixed a bug that caused Templars to fly across the map when interrupting an Archon Merge. - Fixed a bug involving a drone getting confused when receiving a second build order while in transit to complete the first one.